The Student Consumer Information Regulations of the United States Department of Education require all colleges and universities to provide their students access to certain information to which they are entitled to as consumers. The information that a school must provide about financial aid and its campus, facilities, student athletes, and gainful employment programs as well as information to promote campus security and fire safety and prevent drug and alcohol abuse, as required under HEA Sec. 485(f) and 34 CFR 668.41–49.
Academic Programs
NDSU discloses current degree programs and other educational and training programs, instructional, laboratory, and other physical plant facilities that relate to the academic programs, faculty and other instructional personnel and any plans for improving the academic programs. More information can be found here:
Accreditation and Licensure
Universities and colleges in the United States obtain accreditation from non-governmental bodies that are recognized by the U. S. Secretary of Education as being reliable authorities to evaluate the quality of higher education. NDSU is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). Additional information about NDSU’s accreditation can be found at:
Athletic Program Information
To request data regarding intercollegiate athletic participation rates and financial support information contact NDSU Athletics at 701-231-6268 or send an email. NDSU annually prepares the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) Survey that reports on athletic participation, staffing, and revenue and expenses, categorized by men’s and women’s teams. The Survey is submitted to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Post-secondary Education and is available online.
Campus Security and Fire Safety
In accordance with the Clery Act, a federal statute requiring all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to compile crime statistics from their campuses and provide safety information, NDSU publishes the required fire safety and fire log reports by October 1 of each year. The report contains information on:
- Crime awareness and campus security policies, procedures, programs, and statistics
- Emergency response and evacuation procedures
- Missing person notification policy
- Information for crime victims about disciplinary proceedings
- Fire safety report
- Timely warnings
The most recent Annual Security Report and Fire Safety Report can both be found on the NDSU website.
University Police must create, maintain, and make available a daily crime log (page 29). Log entries must include all crimes reported to the University Police, not just Clery Act crimes. The crime log for the most recent 60-day period is open to public inspection, upon request, during normal business hours at the University Police and Safety Office, 1523 12th Ave. N., Fargo, ND. Any portion of the log that is older than 60 days must be made available within two business days of request for public inspection.
The University Police sends an email to every enrolled student each year on or before October 1 notifying them of the availability of the Annual Security and Fire Reports along with the direct URL to the document. A physical copy can be requested from the University Police Communications Call Center at 701-231-8998. To view a log of incidents reported as fire, see NDSU’s Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Report pages 46-48.
Cohort Default Rate
The U.S. Department of Education publishes cohort default rates based on the percentage of a school’s borrowers who enter repayment on Direct Loan Program loans during a federal fiscal year (October 1–September 30) and default before the end of the second following fiscal year. NDSU’s 3-year cohort default rate, along with the national average, is below based on data available 10/4/2023.
Year | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
National Average | 7.3% | 2.3% | 0.0% |
NDSU | 2.6% | 1.1% | 0.0% |
College Navigator
NDSU’s required information is posted to the College Navigator website.
Constitution and Citizenship Day
NDSU holds Constitution Day annually on September 17, commemorating the September 17, 1787 signing of the Constitution.
Contact Information for Assistance in Obtaining Institutional or Financial Aid Information
Matthew Sanchez
Financial Aid Director
Copyright Infringement
Students may not copy, download, or share software, documents, or files protected by copyright using the university’s computing resources, unless granted written permission from the copyright holder. Additional information regarding the violation of copyright law can be found at NDSU Code of Student Conduct, Section 601. Also see NDSU Policy Manual for employee responsibility.
Cost of Attendance
A student’s cost of attendance (COA) is the total cost of attending NDSU for one academic year. It includes the cost of tuition and fees, housing, food, books, course materials, supplies and equipment. The most recent tuition and fees schedule, campus housing costs, and estimated budget examples for the purposes of determining financial aid offers can be found at: See Programs of Study on the website for course and program specific fees, and special charges.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
The University is committed to maintaining an academic and social environment that is conducive to the intellectual and personal development and the safety and welfare of all members of the university community. More information can be found within the following resources:
- NDSU’S Code of Student Conduct Handbook (pages 7-10, 20, 31, 33, and 37)
- ND State Board of Higher Education, Policy 918
- Annual Security Report (page 1)
- NDSU’s Policy Manual, Section 155
- NDSU’s Residence Life and Dining Handbook (page 6)
Emergency Response
In the event of an emergency or disaster affecting NDSU, the emergency management unit will help coordinate response and recovery efforts in accordance with the University’s Emergency Operations Plan. You can review the NDSU Emergency Guide and NDSU Policy 164-Emergency Procedures.
Net Price Calculator
NDSU’s Net Price Calculator is an online cost estimating tool to assist families in planning for future educational expenses at NDSU.
Special Services and Facilities
NDSU offers many services to students with disabilities, including those with intellectual disabilities. For more information contact the Center of Accessibility and Disability Resources.
Student and Parent Privacy Rights (FERPA)
Information on the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended and applicable to NDSU, such as a student’s right to review educational records, request to amend records, disclosure in the Student Information section visit Notification of Rights under FERPA. Learn about general FERPA information here.
Student Activities
NDSU wishes to engage and empower student potential by combining their skills developed through campus and community involvement with the knowledge gained in the classroom. A list of student activities offering engagement opportunities can be found here.
Student Body Diversity
The Office of Institutional Research and Analysis maintains a variety of reports about campus, including data related to student diversity. Information about the diversity of the student body at NDSU can be found at:
Student Financial Assistance
A description, along with eligibility and selection criteria for all federal, state, local, private and institutional need-based and non-need-based student financial assistance programs can be found at
Student Loan Code of Conduct
NDSU has adopted the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) Code of Ethics. Click here for the code of conduct for NDSU employees as it relates to educational loans.
Student Outcomes or Completion and Transfer Rates
Information about statistics on enrollment, retention, graduation, placement and transfer-out rates for NDSU students, including rates for specific populations of students, can be found at the links below:
- Employment Placement
- Job Placement Rates
- Graduate and Professional Education Enrollment
- Retention Rates
- Graduation and Transfer-out Rates for athletically-related aid
Study Abroad
NDSU offers opportunities for students to enhance their knowledge and skills while learning about different cultures in an international location, or within other areas of the United States. Information about study abroad and National Student Exchange programs can be found online
Teacher Preparation Accountability
NDSU compiles and submits a report each year with institutional and state information regarding teacher preparation.
Textbook Information
All students who attend NDSU have the ability to charge required books and supplies at the NDSU bookstore. Several options are available to students such as new, used and rental books to charge at the NDSU bookstore against their NDSU account.
Students who would like to purchase books outside of the NDSU bookstore and are federal financial aid recipients may explore an option of utilizing their excess aid funds to purchase their books. To be eligible, students must have complete financial aid file (all requested documents received and processed) ten days prior to the start of the academic term and have excess aid available after mandatory charges have been paid. If eligible, excess financial aid will be made available ten days prior to the start of each semester through the seventh class day of any given semester. For more information contact Financial Aid and Scholarships at 701-231-7537.
Transfer of Credits Policies and Articulation Agreements
Details about how transfer credit is handled at NDSU can be found at:
- NDSU’s University Catalog Transfer and Test Credit
- Transfer Student Services Evaluation of Transfer Credit
- NDSU Admission Procedures Transfer Requirements
- Domestic Articulation Agreements
- International Articulation Agreements
North Dakota State University requires specific immunizations for all enrolled students.
Voter Registration
North Dakota does not require voter registration.
Withdrawals and Refunds
The official withdrawal process at NDSU begins when a student submits a Cancel/Withdraw to Zero e-Form found in Campus Connection to declare an intent to withdraw. More information about the withdrawal process can be found at Withdrawing From ALL Classes:
- Financial Aid Withdrawal Policy
- Effects of Dropping or Withdrawing
- Calendar with withdrawal and refund dates are found at Important Dates and Deadlines
Information about NDSU’S refund policy and schedule for withdrawals can be found:
- Tuition and Fee Refund Schedule
- ND State Board of Higher Education Refund Policy 830.2
NDSU Catalog: Registration: Changes in Registration
Information about the impact of withdrawals on financial aid and the return of title IV federal aid can be found at:
Residence Life: If the student withdraws while living in a residence hall, students must check out with hall staff within 24 hours of submitting the withdrawal form. More information is found here:
Military: If student is withdrawing due to military deployment/activation, see the outlined procedure.